Thursday 24 April 2014

New Paintings Released

Over thirty new paintings have now been released from the Artist, Ian Rawnsley. These are his interpretation of those areas of conflict associated with the Great War which he has painted as the beautiful, peaceful scenes as they are today. The up-dated list of images can be obtained by emailing The Studio Fine Art Company (who are curating this fund-raising project) on or you can contact Erskine Fundraising direct to order


The paintings (above) represent a serene Ancre Heights and Ginchy, both in the Somme region of France which saw fierce battle and considerable loss of life and injuries during WW1

Tuesday 1 April 2014

First Sales for '100 Paintings for 100 Years'

We are delighted to say that we now have several confirmed orders for paintings and we will be posting further images this week of newly released pieces... We have only just started to market the project '100 Paintings for 100 Years' and are already delighted at the response we have had so far. Please let your family and friends know, we are aiming to raise as much funds as possible for Erskine this centenary year